I was working in town as a new staff trainer.. I had to go in early to open the classrooms which meant leaving home at what felt like the crack of dawn to get a seat on the express bus.

I was running late this fateful morning, as my hair took longer than normal to style. I paused my “getting ready” music to check the time, freaked out and ran down the street as quickly as one can, in uncomfortable but beautiful, 3inch heels.

Having missed the express bus, I was mentally preparing myself for an awkward journey, standing in the aisle. I was pleasantly surprised when a seat was available next to a thin, old lady. She had a bag on the chair and was avoiding eye contact. I said “excuse me, may I sit down please?” with my sweetest smile. She looked me up and down, sniggered and snatched her bag. I said “Thank you” instead of “f you”, but she ignored me.

It was an uncomfortable ride in to the city. I was half off the seat, to avoid touching her, my ear phones were itching my neck but I was too afraid to move my arm, and the traffic could not have been any more congested.

It was finally time to press the buzzer for my stop.. The only buzzer near by, was on the wall next to the lady i was sitting with. FANTASTIC. I asked nicely if she could push it. She ignored me. So I asked again. Still no response. Time was running out. I went to lean over her, to press the buzzer but my hand got caught in my itchy ear phones and my hand accidentally fell onto the ladies leg.

She YELLED “Oh for f***s sake!!”, and finally pressed the buzzer for me, just in time before the driver missed my stop. I apologised and thanked her, before tripping off the bus, falling onto my hands and knees and slamming my handbag into the footpath which shattered my makeup application mirror and spread teensy shards of sharp, blood causing glass all throughout the main part of my bag, which I would learn later, in the classroom, as I dipped in for a pen.

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